Sunday, November 9, 2008

i MISS college

For those who are still studying out there, do enjoy it to the fullest! Working life is terrible. Yes, you get to meet all sort of people who shape you, hopefully for the better, but then it seems that in order to survive the 'real world' you've got to fit into a certain shape or mould. There's always this risk of being left behind.

A few days ago while I was arranging my cds I stumbled upon some performances during my college years. There was this musical that ended with a very meaningful song - 'I wish I could go back to college' by Avenue Q. It struck me on both accounts, firstly that while studying, the worries that you face is so much different than the working world. If you think that your lecturers are unreasonable, its nothing compared to bosses. You may think you have some selfish classmates, but still you have a choice whether or not to work with him, unlike at work. There's life after college where everyone eats dinner together, practises together, and lots more. At work, everyone can't wait to leave once its time (including me). Secondly, at college you get to be yourself. At work its nothing like that. My closest friend at work even gave me a piece of advise from her 28 years of experience, "do you know that it's not always good to speak your mind out?"

For the time being, I don't considered myself defeated by the system, still hoping that honesty is still the best policy. Still believing that the people are more important than the task itself. Its no wonder Starbucks made it, as for them - 'Employees First'

Here's the song if you've the time. Meaningful. :)

I wish I could go back to college.
Life was so simple back then.

What would I give to go back and live in a dorm with a meal plan again!

I wish I could go back to college.
In college you know who you are.
You sit in the quad, and think, "Oh my God!
I am totally gonna go far!"

How do I go back to college?
I don't know who I am anymore!

I wanna go back to my room and find a message in dry-erase pen on the door!
I wish I could just drop a class...

Or get into a play...

Or change my major...

Or fuck my T.A.

I need an academic advisor to point the way!
We could be...
Sitting in the computer lab,
4 A.M. before the final paper is due,
Cursing the world 'cause I didn't start sooner,
And seeing the rest of the class there, too!

I wish I could go back to college!

How do I go back to college?!

I wish I had taken more pictures.

But if I were to go back to college,
Think what a loser I'd be-
I'd walk through the quad,
And think "Oh my God..."

"These kids are so much younger than me."


Unknown said...

Hey, I like this song lo...hahaha...quite meaningful also...Luckily I'm still in college...still one of those who always complain about college life..lolx...Maybe I shall start to be grateful? lolx....

Christine said...

Yeaaap, I wish I could go back to college too.. Life was not exactly "so simple back then", but definitely SIMPLER compared to working life~

Hang in there :) Hope all's well with you, take care!

Caleb said...

Christine, do you have a blog or you just register yourself to give comments? ;)